Jeans for Genes


Hey there fatshionistas,
So it’s taken me a while to get moving, as I went camping for a while (stay tuned for a post on how to look awesome while camping!) But i thought I would kick off my outfit posts with one on Jeans for Genes day. I decided to keep in the spirit and wear some denim out today. I only needed a casual shopping outfit. I opted for my city chic jeans which are now ripped beyond wearability!  I paired this with my favorite city chic tiger stud top. Unfortunately these items aren’t sold anymore however the most recent release from city chic’s collections has some really similar tops. I am also a fan of using old items in new ways, so you will see a lot more of this, but seriously take a look in your closet and just try pairing a few random things! I’m wearing studded boots from target, they are $55, however they can definitely be found cheaper when target have their shoe sales! I love these boots, I have massive feet so finding feminine shoes to fit me is a struggle, but the swirly studs and buckled boots trend is hot right now and I plan on wearing these babies until the day it’s not! My hairdryer carked it and my hair would not dry in time to style it properly so I grabbed a headband and did a modern interpretation of a retro hair style to add a more feminine dimension to my outfit. Unfortunately my boyfriend is away (AGAIN!! LUCKY!) with the good camera so I either plan to get my own or borrow his so please excuse any crappy quality, mirror photos I post! I promise I will do my best to get something better!

My outfit, the quality of this photo is terrible! My apologies!


My beloved $55 boots from target!

Please share your feedback, I’d love to hear from you.

Much Love,

T xx

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